Piektdiena, 20. septembris, 2024

Ginters, Guntra, Marianna

Šī ALH mājas lapa atrodas izstrādes stadijā !
Cik bieži apmeklējat hokeja spēles?

reizi gadā
vairākas reizes gadā
reizi mēnesī
reizi nedēļā
cik vien iespējams

Pavisam nobalsojuši: 18
Aptauja izveidota: 17.09.2006
Pirmā spēle Aizkrauklē neļauj tikt pie uzvaras
Pirmo NAHL spēli Aizkrauklē atbalstītāji, kuri šoreiz bija sapulcējušies ap 100 , gaidīja ar lielu interesi. Tam bija arī zināmi priekšnosacījumi. Komanda bija labi aizvadījusi savu pirmo spēli Rīgā, tāpēc visi cerēja sagaidīt savās mājās labu spēli un, protams, uzvaru.
 Diemžēl spēle lika vilties. Uzreiz jāatzīmē, ka šajā spēlē Aizkraukles komandā neatradās līderu, lai komanda varētu panākt sev labvēlīgu rezultātu. Katrs centās darboties individuāli, neredzot savus partnerus. Visas spēles laikā katrs individuāli centās ielausties pretinieka zonā, it kā viņš vienīgais būtu laukumā. Bija jūtams labas pirmās piespēles trūkums.
Viens no laba rezultāta panākumiem ir aizsargu darbība. Šoreiz uz laukuma drīzāk bija pieci uzbrucēji, bet neviena aizsarga. Aizsarga funkcija ir pirmām kārtām domāt par savu vārtu sargāšanu, bet mūsu aizsargi biežāk bija redzami pie pretinieku vārtiem tā aizmirstot savus tiešos pienākumus.     
VNAHL sacensībās ir daudz redzēts labu kombināciju, pēc kurām tiek gūti vārti. Šodienas spēlē tas viss bija kaut kur pazudis, pat būdami divu spēlētāju vairākumā, katrs centās pats izdarīt metienu pa pretinieku vārtiem.
Spēle sākās, lēnīgā tempā, ar abpusējiem uzbrukumiem. Latvijas gāzes hokejisti vairāk kombinēja, bet visi viņu uzbrukumi bija nesekmīgi. Aizkraukle atbildēja ar pretuzbrukumiem, nu kuriem viens vainagojās ar panākumiem.
Ja šai spēlē būtu jānosaka Aizkraukles komandas labākais spēlētājs, tad šis gods noteikti pienāktos Guntim Janovičam. Tieši viņa neatlaidība ļāva atklāt spēles rezultātu. Veicot kārtējo reidu pa kreiso malu, viņš izejot pret vārtsargu, izdara metienu. Vārtsargs neveiksmīgi tver metienu, pazaudē ripu, kura atrodas viņam aiz muguras. Pie ripas pirmais klāt ir Guntis Janovičs un ieraida to tukšos vārtos, ļaujot uzgavilēt skatītājiem.
 Pirmās trešdaļas beigās Aizkraukle divas reizes labi nospēlē mazākumā (noraidījumus nopelna O.Kūlainis un M.Medusons), pabeidzot to savā labā 1:0, ļaujot cerēt uz labvēlīgu iznākumu.
Diemžēl otrā trešdaļa sākas ar kārtējiem noraidījumiem Aizkraukles komandā, kurus divas reizes izdodas izmantot Latvijas gāzes hokejistiem. Jau trešdaļas pirmajā minūtē noraidīts tiek Guntis Janovičs, un Latvijas gāzes uzbrucējs Normunds Šacs 22.minūtē realizē vairākumu, panākot izlīdzinājumu. Vēl pēc kāda laika viens pēc otra tiek noraidīti divi Aizkraukles spēlētāji. Izturot spēli mazākumā 3:5, komanda diemžēl zaudē vārtus, kad laukumā parādās ceturtais spēlētājs. Savus otros vārtus 26.minūtē gūst Normunds Šacs.
Spēle uz kādu laiku pāriet Latvijas gāzes komandas aizsardzības zonā. Pie viņu vārtiem cenšas piekļūt, kā uzbrucēji, tā aizsargi (Kaspars Židovs un Jevgēnijs Avdejevs). Vienā no tādiem uzbrukumiem, pārtverot ripu, Latvijas gāzes uzbrucējs Normunds Šacs aizskrien no mūsu aizsargiem un pārspēj šai momentā ne visai veiksmīgi spēlējošo vārtsargu, panākot divu vārtu pārsvaru savai komandai 3:1.
Trešās trešdaļas sākumā, parādas, cerība uz labvēlīgu iznākumu. Vienā no kārtējiem pretuzbrukumiem pa labo malu, pret vārtiem iziet Guntis Janovičs un spēcīgi met. Vārtsargs ripu tver , bet nenotur, un tā lēnām ieslīd vārtos, 43.minūtē rezultātam kļūstot 2:3 (piespēle Ritvaram Jakubovskim).
Pēc četrām minūtēm Aizkrauklei paveras laba izredzes rezultātu izlīdzināt. Viens pēc otra tiek noraidīti trīs Latvijas gāzes spēlētāji. Ilgu laiku Aizkraukles hokejistiem ir iespēja spēlēt pieci pret trīs. Diemžēl tieši šajā laikā, kad vajag mēģināt izspēlēt kombinācijas un realizēt vairākumu, spēlētāji cenšas mest pa vārtiem no visneizdevīgākajām pozīcijām. Un kā tas bieži notiek hokejā, neiesit tu, iesit tev. Izturējuši Aizkraukles komandas spiedienu, Latvijas gāzē vēl būdami mazākumā izveido pretuzbrukumu un pieliek šai spēlei punktu. Savus ceturtos vārtus spēlē gūst, neapšaubāmi Latvijas gāzes labākais spēlētājs, Normunds Šacs panākot 52. minūtē 4:2.
Līdz spēles beigām ir vēl astoņas minūtes. Tā kā  šai līgā spēles notiek pēc netīrā laika, tad praktiski uz pusi ir mazāks spēles laiks. Nebija arī vairāk spēka lai kaut ko vērst par labu. Tā Aizkraukles komanda piedzīvoja savu pirmo zaudējumu sacensībās. Skatītāji pameta halli cerībā, ka nākoša spēlē, kas trešdien notiks Rīgā, būs arī pirmā uzvara.
30.septembris.Aizkraukles ledus halle
Aizkraukles Jeld wen-Latvijas gāze 2:4 (1:0,0:3,1:1)
Sods 14(4+6+4):10(0+2+8)   


Mark [ 16:42 01.07.2021. marks@nutricompany.com ]
By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer with Nutritional Products International (nutricompany.com).

We serve international and domestic manufacturers seeking to gain more distribution within the United States.

Your brand at alh.lv recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you to discuss the possibility of expanding your distribution reach.

We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following:

* Rapid entry into the U.S. market.
* Purchase Orders
* FDA Regulatory Compliance
* Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers.
* Our proven sales force has public relations, branding and marketing all under one roof.

We maintain active business relationships with over 200,000 distribution outlets across the nation, and we have a direct line of contact with executive-level buyers.

Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner.

Please contact me directly at 561-544-0719 or by replying, so we can discuss your brand further.

Kind Regards,

Mark Schaefer
Director Of Global Procurement
Nutritional Products International
101 Plaza Real S
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Office: 561-544-0719
Joel [ 16:07 01.07.2021. joel.bruner@gmail.com ]
Hello Guys

I have cracked one of the very best email extractors ever built: CBT EMAIL EXTRACTOR.

The original software is priced at 500 GBP but I can offer you the cracked version for only 100 USD. I can also crack all future updates for only 50 USD per update.

I only accept cryptocurrency payments as what I am doing is not exactly legal.

Do let me know if you are interested.

If you want some more info on the software, I suggest that you Google it.

Many thanks
Gary [ 14:22 01.07.2021. gcohen@consumerproductsintl.com ]
The U.S. consumer market is the holy grail for retail manufacturers.

By way of introduction, I am Gary Cohen, and I represent Consumer Products International (https://consumerproductsintl.com).

At Consumer Products International, we understand the challenges domestic and international consumer brands confront when deciding to bring their products to American consumers. CPI works with international and domestic consumer goods manufacturers who are seeking to expand their distribution reach within the United States or enter the world’s largest consumer market for the first time.

During my research, your brand recently caught my attention, which is why I would like to discuss the possibility of expanding your national distribution reach in the U.S.

CPI provides expertise in all areas of distribution, and our services include the following:

 Turnkey/One-stop solution
 Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers
 An executive team that has held executive positions with Walmart and Amazon, the two largest online and brick-and-mortar retailers in the U.S.
 Proven sales force with public relations, branding, and marketing all under one roof
 Focus on new and existing product lines
 Warehousing and logistics

CPI’s executive team has decades of experience in representing many different consumer goods categories. We have worked with buyers from national and regional retail chains, which gives your brand a fast track to market.

Please contact me directly so that we can discuss your brand further.

Kind Regards,

Gary Cohen
VP of Business Development
Consumer Products International
101 Plaza Real S, Ste #224
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Office: 561-544-0719
Mark [ 16:48 12.06.2021. marks@nutricompany.com ]
By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer with Nutritional Products International (nutricompany.com).

We serve international and domestic manufacturers seeking to gain more distribution within the United States.

Your brand at alh.lv recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you to discuss the possibility of expanding your distribution reach.

We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following:

* Rapid entry into the U.S. market.
* Purchase Orders
* FDA Regulatory Compliance
* Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers.
* Our proven sales force has public relations, branding and marketing all under one roof.

We maintain active business relationships with over 200,000 distribution outlets across the nation, and we have a direct line of contact with executive-level buyers.

Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner.

Please contact me directly at 561-544-0719 or by replying, so we can discuss your brand further.

Kind Regards,

Mark Schaefer
Director Of Global Procurement
Nutritional Products International
101 Plaza Real S
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Office: 561-544-0719
Millard [ 08:57 20.05.2021. millard.dempster@msn.com ]

I am reaching out to you to introduce you and alh.lv to our mass email sender software.


Then click on our site: https://www.massmailsoftware.com/bulkmail/

Do let me know if you have any questions and I would be delighted to jump on a quick call with you!

Warm regards
Williemae [ 04:16 12.05.2021. williemae.shively32@hotmail.com ]

I would like to personally invite you to list alh.lv on https://glamourescorts69.com!

It is absolutely free and will take you only a couple of minutes :)

Have a fab day!

Your friends at https://glamourescorts69.com
Cliff [ 04:44 12.09.2020. trudeau.cliff@gmail.com ]

I hope this email finds you well.

I am the owner of a small boutique and we are now looking to expand our wholesale sales and conduct a guest post outreach for SEO.

I have come across your comment on this website http://cbdpowerflower.com/ regarding CBT Yandex Website Scraper Software.

Would you recommend this software? I can see that many people have gotten good results but I thought I would ask you first-hand for my own peace of mind.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards

Josefina [ 04:44 12.09.2020. goldstein.josefina@gmail.com ]

I hope this email finds you well.

I am the owner of a small boutique and we are now looking to expand our wholesale sales and conduct a guest post outreach for SEO.

I have come across your comment on this website nautininja.com regarding Yelp Search Engine Scraper and Email Extractor by Creative Bear Tech.

Would you recommend this software? I can see that many people have gotten good results but I thought I would ask you first-hand for my own peace of mind.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards

Tisha [ 04:44 12.09.2020. goode.tisha@yahoo.com ]

I hope this email finds you well.

I am the owner of a small boutique and we are now looking to expand our wholesale sales and conduct a guest post outreach for SEO.

I have come across your comment on this website theexoutlet.com regarding CBT Twitter Scraper.

Would you recommend this software? I can see that many people have gotten good results but I thought I would ask you first-hand for my own peace of mind.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards

Olen [ 04:43 12.09.2020. olen.lipscombe@msn.com ]

I hope this email finds you well.

I am the owner of a small boutique and we are now looking to expand our wholesale sales and conduct a guest post outreach for SEO.

I have come across your comment on this website http://susanchristmasshop.com regarding Ask Search Engine Scraper and Email Extractor by Creative Bear Tech.

Would you recommend this software? I can see that many people have gotten good results but I thought I would ask you first-hand for my own peace of mind.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards

Caleb [ 20:50 05.09.2020. caleb.eisenhauer@hotmail.com ]
Hello there,

We are looking for trusted and experienced roofers who are capable of handling more residential roofing projects in your area.

We are the first roofing platform made by roofers and for roofers.

All details are here: https://bit.ly/roofingplatform

Ben Müller
Project Manager (Residential Division)
https://boot.ritakafija.lv/forums/ [ 20:07 24.05.2020. https://boot.ritakafija.lv/forums/ ]
check this (pārbaudi šo) https://boot.ritakafija.lv/forums/
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gUow [ 11:59 18.03.2020. ]
ePHP AND 8198=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(107)||CHR(107)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8198=8198) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(98)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL)
gUow [ 11:59 18.03.2020. ]
ePHP) AND 8198=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(107)||CHR(107)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8198=8198) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(98)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND (1935=1935
gUow [ 11:58 18.03.2020. ]
ePHP AND 8089 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8089=8089) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113)))-- fgpo
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ePHP) AND 8089 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8089=8089) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(113))) AND (5639=5639
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ePHP AND 6044=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(118)||CHR(107)||CHR(107)||CHR(113))||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6044=6044) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(98)||CHR(106)||CHR(113)) AS NUMERIC)-- vapd
gUow [ 11:57 18.03.2020. ]
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gUow [ 11:57 18.03.2020. ]
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gUow [ 11:57 18.03.2020. ]
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Annette [ 20:34 15.03.2020. annette.gilruth86@gmail.com ]
Hi There Sir/ Madam,
Hope the Corona Infection is not too bad around where you live as well as wish you are doing well.

My business is a expert manufacture that supplies high quality facial mask (KN95/ medical mask), protective fit, disinfectant that are compliant with FDA and CE qualifications. Considered that the Corona Infection is still dominating in many nations and also has no noticeable sign to stop, please make certain you have adequate materials to shield yourself as well as your liked ones.

If you need any one of our product, or you are interested in cooperating with us, please contact us. We will certainly send you the catalog and we will certainly provide you the most effective bargain feasible.

To get information, be sure to visit the official site: www.face-mask.ltd and www.n95us.com

For wholesale make contact with: candace@face-mask.ltd

Looking forward to your reply! Have a excellent day!

BRUNO ALVES [ 02:54 26.02.2020. brunoalvesrene@gmail.com ]
PUBLIC AND WORLD NOTICE!!!!!!!!!THE BEST HERBAL DOCTOR AND SPELL CASTER IN  AFRICAN IS CALLED DR SALATO contact him immediately for penis enlargement or spell casting through drsalatosolutiontemple@gmail.com  or visit His website http://drsalatosolutionte0.wixsite.com/drsalato ,  you can call/whatsapp him via +2348103629945  Hello friends around the globe,i am BRUNO ALVES from Spain.i am here to share a testimony of my life with you all.
i was suffering from premature ejaculation,small penis for the past 3 years of my marriage.i got married to my wife 3 years ago and We have one  beautiful kid and we were living happily until my wife started complaining that i cannot satisfy her very well because of my premature ejaculation and small penis size.My penis size was 4 inches on erection and i do not last more than 10min during sex and it was really frustrating me my wife threaten to divorce me if i did not look for a solution to my problem.  i have use alot of pills, drugs and surgery also some herbal medicine from AFRICAN but non gave me the result i was looking for but when i explained to my friend ROBERT LAS He told me that,there is a HERBAL AND SPELL CASTER called DR SALATO from AFRICAN whom helped him to solve His premature ejaculation and small penis size from 3 inches to 9 inches within two weeks of using His HERBAL MEDICINE and it is a liquid and cream.i decided to give Him a try by visiting his website link http://drsalatosolutionte0.wixsite.com/drsalato , He replied and told me that  His work is 100% guarantee and it has no side effect also it is a permanent treatment but i did not believe him yet and He told me what i should do which i did as instructed by him and he sent me the HERBAL LIQUID AND CREAM through UPS DELIVERY SERVICE  and to my greatest it was just 7 days of using His HERBAL MEDICINE,i was Having 6.5 inches and i was lasting in bed with my wife 1hr and it is 14 days of using the HERBAL MEDICINE from DR SALATO I am now having 9.5 inches penis size and 8.0 girth also i now last 2hrs in bed with my wife also my wife is always complaining that my penis is too large and she is always screaming during sex with her. My wife now love and respect me more than before and all thanks to DR SALATO for saving my marriage and bringing happiness to my home once again. so friends if you are having similar issues or problem do not worry about it because DR SALATO is there for you.contact him through his email address drsalatosolutiontemple@gmail.com  or visit His website http://drsalatosolutionte0.wixsite.com/drsalato ,  you can call/whatsapp him via +2348103629945  also He can cure all kinds sickness or illness and cast any spell like HIV/AIDSHERPESALSCANCER DIABETESGET YOUR EX LOVER BACK SPELL MONEY SPELL LOTTO SPELL BREAKING CURSE SPELLPROTECTION FROM WITCH CRAFT SPIRITUAL ATTACK SPELLWIN COURT CASE SPELLRELEASE GOODS FROM CUSTOMS SPELLPREGNANCY HERBAL MEDICINE BREAST AND BUM ENLARGEMENT OIL ETC...... Just name it and DR SALATO will do it for you permanently THANKS    
urgltoitY [ 17:50 06.01.2020. http://vqstuxofphnz.com/ ]
5uf9nJ uxqpxtfdpigf, [url=http://vvgvysupmvpy.com/]vvgvysupmvpy[/url], [link=http://iqbycatibvpk.com/]iqbycatibvpk[/link], http://drbxbwlvsblk.com/
Vince [ 17:23 04.11.2019. vince.parsons43@msn.com ]
Precious Sir/ Madam,

We are high quality SMD Power Inductors Supplier as well as option carrier in Hong Kong.

High consistence, Stringent QC, Top CP proportion and Full support in application is our toughness.

We comprehend that one poor part ruins the whole product and your credibility.
Select us to get rid of affordable and also rubbish SMD Power Inductors from China!

Please contact us at: sales@bestapplestore.com

Looking forward to your questions!

Best pertains to,

HK Inductors LTD developed in 1997, we are specialized in developing and also making high-performance inductors with the goal of supplying added-value item options to consumers in a wide variety of industries.
Nadine [ 03:43 11.10.2019. info@x2emails.com ]
I am writing to you from https://x2emails.com. You have ignored all of my previous emails and right now, we have started creating a tonne of spam backlinks from dirty porn, loan, viagra and Indian sites which will drown your site and get it deindexed from Google. However, I come to you in good faith and ask you to do the following in order for us to stop the spam attach on your website.

Like one of our videos, subscribe to our youtube channel.


Leave us a 5 star review on TrustPilot with some good words


Buy a product from our site.

Once you have done that, give us a shout and we will stop the spam attach on your site http://www.alh.lv/en/index.php?parent=223.

X2 Emails Team
바카라사이트 [ 12:11 08.10.2019. jwydfbls3025@hotmail.com.hotmail.com.uyu.kr ]
I have had a handful of people who have read and commented on my personal blog for more than ten years, some of whom I’ve met and we’ve become real-life friends. When you comment (and get response) regularly on a blog, you almost feel like you have ownership there, that it’s important you stay involved.
The comment section of your blog is where the regulars (or the usual suspects, if it’s that kind of blog :-) gather. They know each other, they know your blog and can link back to old posts or other specific comments from the past. Regulars help turn your blog from being a sequential posting of articles into something organic that references itself.
카지노사이트추천 [ 12:06 08.10.2019. spvu3150@www.korea.com.uyu.kr ]
Comment systems, though, are evolving. Plugins that support social media integration, or a comment system like Disqus, help tie your blog’s comments into that social pulse. In that sense, you can bring that “outside” conversation back onto your own proper
That’s exactly the kind of reader and commenter you want. Heck, some regulars even police the comments section and help you, as if they were forum moderators. They feel like it’s partly their place, too, and they want to help keep it clean.
퍼스트카지노 [ 11:59 08.10.2019. ddc7238@www.cyworld.com.uyu.kr ]
Comment systems, though, are evolving. Plugins that support social media integration, or a comment system like Disqus, help tie your blog’s comments into that social pulse. In that sense, you can bring that “outside” conversation back onto your own proper
When I’ve had a long run in a comment section and been actively participating, and I think I’ve left some pretty good comments, you know what I do? I link to the post and often blog about it.
카지노 [ 11:45 08.10.2019. vybhs7269@www.nate.com.uyu.kr ]
The question of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org naturally pops up when you are first starting out. While they might seem like the same, it turns out they are only related. The key difference between WordPress.org vs WordPress.com is where your site is hosted and thus the amount of control you have over it. Depending on your goals that makes a huge difference.
What are your thoughts on WordPress.com vs WordPress.org? Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments section below!
Gene [ 10:26 30.04.2019. gene.matson44@yahoo.com ]
Morning guys

I have checked up your site using ahrefs and I noticed that you have some very solid backlinks.

Could I ask you whether you got them off this site? https://wowitloveithaveit.com/products/quality-backlinks-for-your-website

I have started my own site and I desperately need links to rank better on Google. I am on bloody page 20 and it sucks.

Would be most obliged for your help and guidance.

Tony [ 16:37 19.02.2019. tony.coombes85@gmail.com ]

For some bizarre reason, my previous message to you was not delivered according to a system generate email I have gotten back, so here goes again. It would be fab if you could acknowledge receipt.

As mentioned in my previous message, I would like to contribute one of my articles on cryptocurrency regulation in the UK that I have written during the course of the past few weeks. I used to work for a couple of big law firms in London and so I have a good handle on cryptocurrency law and I thought that my article would be interesting to your readers.

I am terribly sorry but I did not have much time to find royalty free images. It would be great if you could add a pretty picture to the blog post.

I have saved my article inside a Word document on my Google drive:


I hope your readers will enjoy reading my guide.

I would be most grateful if you could send me a link to the guide once you have published it!

I can write a couple more articles as and when I get some more free time - it is crazy busy at work after all the festivities.

Have a great day!

Tony [ 04:39 17.02.2019. tony.coombes85@gmail.com ]

For some bizarre reason, my previous message to you was not delivered according to a system generate email I have gotten back, so here goes again. It would be fab if you could acknowledge receipt.

As mentioned in my previous message, I would like to contribute one of my articles on cryptocurrency regulation in the UK that I have written during the course of the past few weeks. I used to work for a couple of big law firms in London and so I have a good handle on cryptocurrency law and I thought that my article would be interesting to your readers.

I am terribly sorry but I did not have much time to find royalty free images. It would be great if you could add a pretty picture to the blog post.

I have saved my article inside a Word document on my Google drive:


I hope your readers will enjoy reading my guide.

I would be most grateful if you could send me a link to the guide once you have published it!

I can write a couple more articles as and when I get some more free time - it is crazy busy at work after all the festivities.

Have a great day!

Aly [ 03:11 17.02.2019. aly1@alychidesigns.com ]
Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at alh.lv promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

Tony [ 04:59 11.02.2019. tony.coombes85@gmail.com ]

For some bizarre reason, my previous message to you was not delivered according to a system generate email I have gotten back, so here goes again. It would be fab if you could acknowledge receipt.

As mentioned in my previous message, I would like to contribute one of my articles on cryptocurrency regulation in the UK that I have written during the course of the past few weeks. I used to work for a couple of big law firms in London and so I have a good handle on cryptocurrency law and I thought that my article would be interesting to your readers.

I am terribly sorry but I did not have much time to find royalty free images. It would be great if you could add a pretty picture to the blog post.

I have saved my article inside a Word document on my Google drive:


I hope your readers will enjoy reading my guide.

I would be most grateful if you could send me a link to the guide once you have published it!

I can write a couple more articles as and when I get some more free time - it is crazy busy at work after all the festivities.

Have a great day!

Tony [ 20:29 10.02.2019. tony.coombes85@gmail.com ]
Good Morning!

Recently and after a long break up, I have been trying to get back into the dating game. After many champagne splashes on my face, Tinder rejections and only xx (not xxx) inside imessages, I have decided to put all of my experience into a guide! I would like to contribute this guide to picking up girls to your blog as I am sure that your readers would very much enjoy reading it and subconsciously thinking to themselves, "gosh, I feel sorry for that guy!".

I have saved the article inside my google drive:


I am very sorry but I did not have the time to find many images (I included a couple only) so I would be grateful if you could add some of your own.

It would be fab if you could ping me the url of the published post as I would like to show off a little in front of my Facebook friends (and hopefully land a new girlfriend!)

Have a great day!

Tony [ 07:54 09.02.2019. tony.coombes85@gmail.com ]

For some bizarre reason, my previous message to you was not delivered according to a system generate email I have gotten back, so here goes again. It would be fab if you could acknowledge receipt.

As mentioned in my previous message, I would like to contribute one of my articles on cryptocurrency regulation in the UK that I have written during the course of the past few weeks. I used to work for a couple of big law firms in London and so I have a good handle on cryptocurrency law and I thought that my article would be interesting to your readers.

I am terribly sorry but I did not have much time to find royalty free images. It would be great if you could add a pretty picture to the blog post.

I have saved my article inside a Word document on my Google drive:


I hope your readers will enjoy reading my guide.

I would be most grateful if you could send me a link to the guide once you have published it!

I can write a couple more articles as and when I get some more free time - it is crazy busy at work after all the festivities.

Have a great day!

David [ 20:05 08.02.2019. atouchofawesomeness@gmail.com ]
Good Afternoon

I hope you are well. I am writing to introduce my freelance SEO and marketing services. I was just doing some market research and I came across your site so I decided to quickly contact you as I am working with sites from your niche.

I used to work for a digital marketing company and now I have decided to freelance on a full-time basis. I still have access to a lot of resources used by my previous SEO company and hence, I can provide a lot of useful and powerful services at the fraction of the price to what SEO companies charge.

I work with all niches. Whether you want to rank higher on Google for your keywords, want to make sure that all of your website pages are indexed with Google or need some quality leads or emails for your newsletters and email marketing, I am your go-to guy! Each service package will provide more particulars.

Here are some of the services that I provide (you can read more about them by accessing each respective URL)

PBN Backlinks

Niche-related blog backlinks

Forum posting

Website indexing with search engines

Yellow Pages scraping for leads

Contact websites with your message

Search engine email scraping

You can view and purchase my services from https://sweatyquid.com/author/atouchofawesome/

Thank you for your time and I hope to work with you in the near future.

Kind regards

David Nairn
P.S. this is a one-off communication. If you need my services, awesome! If not, you will not hear back from me :)
Anna [ 09:49 07.02.2019. opencfo23@gmail.com ]
Could you please send me your price list and offers?
Anastasia [ 16:01 14.01.2019. anastasia.lavey1992@gmail.com ]
Good Morning

We have just launched our fresh blog that is aimed at law students. We have added a category for industry news and current affairs. All law students in the UK and overseas are supposed to have good levels of commercial awareness and understand different business sectors. Unfortunately, this is an area that most law students are lacking in. We therefore decided that the best industry insight would come from the actual website owners and business people. At the same time, as the legal industry is becoming extremely competitive (only 20% of law students end up working as lawyers), we want to expose students to alternative careers.

I am reaching out to invite you to share your insights from your industry via a blog post. You can write and post an article on the latest news in your industry or anything else relating to your industry. All work will be credited to you along with a link to your site so that our readers can learn more about you. Please note that the purpose of each article should be to educate and aimed at beginner readers.

All you have to do is register at https://blog.latestlawjobs.com and then create and publish your post. Our admins will then review your post before approving it. We would like to thank you in advance: your contribution will help to educate students across the world!

Kind regards

Marketing and PR Manager
Aly [ 15:15 14.01.2019. aly1@alychidesigns.com ]
Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at alh.lv promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

Billie [ 04:16 17.11.2018. sheldon.billie@gmail.com ]

Nice mouse content you have on your site. You know, MOST customers look at your review pages before visiting and buying at your business.
Over 60% of them check Google first! We feel that you could use a little boost at Google and TrustPilot.

Most consumers avoid leaving reviews unless they have a BAD experience to vent!
We have just the team from USA/Canada to come up with great reviews you are looking for.
Our services help keep at least a 4 star rating in order to avoid losing business to competitors!

We provide reliable Google, SiteJabber, TrustPilot, TripAdvisor, Facebook, Zomato, YellowPages reviews in bulk, starting at $20 in as little as 5 days!

Check out our work and past clients here:

Thanks for your time,

Vernita [ 06:30 10.11.2018. vernita.gonsalves8@gmail.com ]

Great cannabis content on the website! You know, businesses generate organic traffic from their blog, and we feel that you could use a little boost, since you are not blogging weekly yet.

Writing takes a lot of time, and we have just the team from United States/Canada to come up with great content you need.

You can have a brand new article to post on your website starting at $10 in as little as 5 business days!

Check out our work and reviews here: http://bit.ly/seowriters

Thank you for your time,

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Questions? Send a message to our support site or check out the FAQ.

You are receiving this email because the contact form at alh.lv is open to the public.
Lynette [ 22:02 08.11.2018. lynette.kerr@outlook.com ]

Love the cannabis content on your website! You know, most businesses get free traffic from their blog, and we feel that you could use a little help, since you are not blogging every day yet.

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Questions? Send a message to our support site or check out the FAQ.

You are receiving this email because the contact form at alh.lv is open to the public.
Aly [ 18:02 03.11.2018. aly1@alychidesigns.com ]
Hello there,

My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at alh.lv promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?

We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.

Nolan [ 14:41 26.10.2018. hello@seoride.com ]

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Anastasia [ 20:35 25.10.2018. anastasia.pillipenko92@gmail.com ]
Hi guys

I have written a tonne of articles on sex toys, bondage and other stuff with which I have some personal experience :D I would like to contribute these articles to your blog as I think that your audience would enjoy reading them and find them useful. I will try to write some dating guides.

You can access all the articles from my Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lhtu2cXbHoiorZ_f_eJg9hxZ5qBW-NJr?usp=sharing

Here are some images and banners that you can use: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gWxexdmp9wIecSU2zrjL7uIYhOUmMg_4?usp=sharing

That is all for now. I will send you some more articles once I get a bit more free time as it is quite busy at work at the moment. I am really trying to expand my blogging presence so it would be awesome if you could link to Anastasia from Peaches and Screams (https://peachesandscreams.co.uk). I am a full time blogger with them.

I am also attaching my picture that you could use with each article :) You can select any of my bio pics from this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19G0Na36YxaAgki6aR5pL0fpcTvbddhSM?usp=sharing

Anastasia x
Hannah [ 19:38 25.10.2018. hannah.cadby1990@gmail.com ]
Good Morning

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I would personally like to invite you to list yourdating site in our web services category: http://glamourescorts69.com/listcat/web-services/

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Kind regards

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Could you tell me my balance, please? pornotub
Worthless cumshot but nice vid, that chick is hot!!
that pussy is so hot
sooo gross!!! she ust farts out his mangravy!!
She is really bad, like me
Sure wish that it was me filling that pussy with MY cum!
i would love to ram my cock in her
I wanna be tied up like at the end and fucked hard like that
Amateur sex definitely has something more... This girl is so sexy and hot I would fuck her like crazy :-)
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RgtkoxhyIlr [ 01:52 24.04.2012. tTzPEPNo ]
Could you tell me my balance, please? pornotub
Worthless cumshot but nice vid, that chick is hot!!
that pussy is so hot
sooo gross!!! she ust farts out his mangravy!!
She is really bad, like me
Sure wish that it was me filling that pussy with MY cum!
i would love to ram my cock in her
I wanna be tied up like at the end and fucked hard like that
Amateur sex definitely has something more... This girl is so sexy and hot I would fuck her like crazy :-)
you can knock a chick out with that dick
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A First Class stamp tubetrooper
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she will have aids after this.
i fucking love this vid.
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:yeeeouu great movie like it
so damn sexy make my pussy drip
A good fetish very poorly done
Big tits on a fat girl are like racing stripes on a battleship.
omg i want her to lick my pussy now
Now that .. that is hot .
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I'd like to take the job xxnx
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soo horny messg me
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For an old guy he has a big junk!
Nice anal scene! Love it.
i hate europeans but this video cracks me up!! serves them dinner and shit... AND THE MUSIC!!! YES!!! hahahaha!
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Terri Summers I believe
Her pussy gets so full of cum they can't keep their cocks insider her
i cum thrice ..... this is one awesome sex video which cannot be remade by any one ....
wow anyone know who she is?
i came....
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and hold it in like a bong hit.
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She needs to dye those eyebrows and stop wearing that stupid thing in her hair.
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How did they manage to reproduce themselves so much?!
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one haiiirrry boy.
shes looks like the octo mom and he is but ugly i wouldnt fuck him for no amount of money
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Purell on a dick? New use for it I guess.
Who was the girl at the beginning?
SHE IS FUCKIN HAWT! Very few women come close.
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mm this is fucking hot!
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her name is priys rai
MfnldNsBBrVwilP [ 22:10 22.04.2012. kqkxzIKM ]
Punk not dead gfuck
It would be so hot to have my cock in a young teens mouth like hers.
Didn't the guy used to be a Disney extra?
What, no real stuffin' ?
the video would be better without that gay music
aint nothin like two fine ass red bones to suck you up and swallow....nice...
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me and my boyfriend fuck just like that
_ooh Fantastic Thank you
W o w, what a crazy vid, hoooooooooot
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amazing vid,tht chick did a fuckin A+ job
THE BODY!!!!!!!!!
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lolo ferrar at the start . i want more of her
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this is just art..
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Aussie Guy. The girl is a poser. Loser. ooo.
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That is not Sunny Lane mate, she looks nothing like her
This is Taylor Bow
Just fine! )))
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Do you play any instruments? paradisenudes
fucking amazing scene and she is beautiful and sexy
i m in love wid her innocent boobs..
that dude has some awesome hair!
having trouble downloading this video, anyone else having problems?
the guy that danced wit her looked soo bummed that he missed out
that is the infamous postapocalyptic repopulation of the world... the same mother for all the children!
she is such a slut damm
that shit is crazy lookin, not sure what i think about it
Would be really nice, if it is english. love it though. I like all the babes
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I saw your advert in the paper ru2f
wtf to small of tits
Nice tub action..
i was holding back my cum half way through the video, shes so hot..
she still looks hot. prefer the old look.. if tory does this imight cut my dick off
this girl is so stupid , but so f*cking hott.
i got same mixer , sweet
not jenni lee,this chic dont like cum,shes avoiding it
Really good one!!!!
i don´t like this movie..both of them are so unsexy..
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Beautiful. Thank you.
this lass in my college looks like a yunger version of her
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guy kept making too much noise. woulda been wayy better without that moans. i agree hiyadave
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They are both so fucking hot. I would love to get fuck by him while I eating her out!!!
faking. something just not genuine bout this whole thing. turned me off
The older guy with a big dick is Chris Charming.
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Love to fuck them
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they seem really into it. hottttt.
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bXONeYKxKMBXbD [ 01:18 22.04.2012. goThiVOLc ]
I want to make a withdrawal holylol
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it's totally mark ashley with short hair actually
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she needs a cock.. her full name??
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i wish it was in english i have no idea what there saying.
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hehe oh. Just good
Bring out the Gimp!!
she really did put on a huge struggle lol.
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:lol oh. Just good
she is gorgious, anyone know her name ?
Kelsey is fucking hot...
She is perfect. I jack off to her every day.
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Who's calling? tiavas
Man this girl is SEXY she wouldnt need those fingers with me.
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That might be one of the best vids I've ever seen! Shane is the man.
Who's she? please!
Thoses two were FUCKING HOT!
yum i want a girl like that, message anyone?
Talk about a self esteem booster.
it might be mika tan hard to tell, nice vid though!!!
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Stops, when she starts. Shit.
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She is so fuking hot i want to lick her pussy
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But who ever knows... not so easy things really.
#yeaeeh . es ist einfach super geil
i want my ass licked like that
she had a perfectly hot body
wow shes pretty hot
An evergreen tree grows through my pants everytime I watch this video...thanks lady
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,haha Great !
That was very horny. Luvely ending ^_^
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oany ine wanna be fuck that way?
....agreed, he has a beaut thick cock..
quero que pinky me folle asi...
...the lightbulb in that refrigerator is broken...much like his penis when she sat on it
`haha oh. Just good
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Now thats how you do it...
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:yaeh Wonderful contribution, thanks
Pam you can sit on my face anytime
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,wow Great !
she is pretty sexy and looks like she really likes it.... id face fuck her ...
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A bit strange, but damn well enjoyable
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Dude, a hot as fuck red head is sucking you off. Get hard already. Pathetic.
until pinky does anal she remains a waste of a fat ass
Thats a Bad bitch yall...Damn
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Lots of fun. I hope to have my mouth filled like that someday.
the redhead reminds me of my mom when she fucks me. lol
she is super delicious, super cute and super hot.
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i never get tired of this one
nice but he must fuck the ass !!!
you lose. she got off thinking of me
fuckin weird dude....
My fav video, i would fuck her all day, makes my dick hard every time i see her
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So fake, she wanted it from the start. Rubbish video.
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heather is perfect, as always.
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Lol the girl is a very bas actor
ok...hes a retard...and shes sexxy as hell...wtf is going on here????
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I'll text you later sluttyred
her moan wasnt hot at all
Can't blame her, it was too big for her mouth.
She's hot, love her body. I wouldn't mind her bouncing on top of me.
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tory is a fucking freak
pfffff.... t bone. thanks fos sharing
lmao they even censored her pussy when she still had the panties on OMG stupid asians
I would love to see you move like that with a dildo in your pussy
Looks like fun to me!
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Another year sluttyred
rocking body but too much laughing.
i love this boy!!!
god she is a fine piece of work!
he layed the dick down on her ass.....shit he can get my pussy anytime
Nice truck in the beginning. Fords are the shiznit.
HOttest video ever. Period..
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Damn she's loud! But the squirting was fucking awesome.
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